Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You can take the girl out of BBL...

 but you can’t take BBL out of the girl, even when she’s in Vegas!!!
What a trip!!! Friday morning, 10 of my closest girlfriends and I embarked on a 4 days trip to Las Vegas to celebrate the bachelorette-hood of one of my closest friends Jessica (who is getting married at the end of September). I had a bit of anxiety leading up to the trip for, for many reasons. One of them was figuring out what I would eat while I was away. How would I manage to bring 4 days worth of food with me? I had emailed a few people from Beachbody to see what they recommended. Was it best for the kitchen to prepare food ahead of time for me, or should I just have shakes and bars during the day and have a “sensible” dinner? Well, I ended up getting 4 days worth of food, which was a total pain in my butt as far as travel goes! I basically had an entire checked bag of food, in addition to everything else! Another cause of anxiety was managing to get through a weekend full of dinner reservations, pool parties and club scenes without eating or drinking a thing! Oh, and managing to fit in 3 work-outs as well. This, by far, was going to be the biggest challenge of my 2 month commitment. How would I hold up?
So there I was, 5am on Friday morning with my EXTREMELY heavy carry on bag containing your standard Vegas items (high heels, tacky bathing suits, big hoop earrings, etc) and my food on wheels, equipped with a cooler pack and multiple ice packs to keep my sustenance cold! I also decided to freeze the food the night before to preserve it’s integrity as much as possible. We land in Vegas around noon on Friday afternoon. As soon as we got to the hotel, I whipped out on of my meals and took it down in the lobby of the hotel. I was famished and clearly didn’t care what any passer-byers may think of me chowing down on chicken and spinach in the middle of the check-in area!
The afternoon was spent the Encore pool, where the girls ordered food and fruity delicious cocktails. I ordered club soda with lime. We basked in the sun for hours. It was lovely. Dinner that night was at STK in the Cosmopolitan Hotel and we had a table reserved for us at the club Hyde in the Bellagio. Before we left for dinner (we had 9:30pm reservations) I ate my eggplant dinner in the hotel room so I wouldn’t be hungry that night. All the girls had a great time at STK. They ordered sliders, tuna tare tare, beef carpacio, salads and a number of other items to pass around the table. The drink theme of the trip seemed to be dirty martini’s so there were plenty of those to go around as well. For myself? Club soda and lime. Here we are at dinner:
Good lookin' crew, huh?

When we were done we headed over to the Bellagio where the table at Hyde was awaiting us. What a scene!!! The girls ordered a bottle of Grey Goose for the table and the drinks started flowing. I parked myself right on the couch and stayed for about a half hour. At this point I was pretty exhausted as we had been up for almost 24 hours (considering the time change).
Luckily, 2 of my friends were intersted in getting some Z’s so 3 of us headed out and went back to the hotel. Once my head hit that pillow I was out like a light! I was ready to hit the gym bright and early the next day! So I gathered my things while my other 3 friends slept, in what I am dubbing “the cave”, and I headed down to the gym. Shortly after I got there, my friend Shannon showed up. it was so nice to have a workout buddy! Props to her as she went out like a trooper the entire time and still managed to get to the gym I did 30 min of cardio and 30 min of squats, lunges dead lifts,etc. I felt great!

After an hour workout, a shot of wheat-grass and a coffee I was ready for the day! Today’s agenda: Pool party at MGM followed by dinner at Tao and dancing at Club XS.

Me, being a good little BBL student, having a green tea at Tao
I behaved myself, once again and stuck to my pre-made meals along with no booze. I must admit, for breakfast 2 out of the 4 days I ordered egg whites and spinach because I was short on meals (they forgot to give me food for Monday) so I decided that was the easiest and healthiest substitution to make for “out of the bag” situations. Sunday morning came around and it was off to the gym again. All in all I worked out 3 of the 4 days!!! On our way to the airport on Monday morning I was so proud of myself for not having cheated… not once… and sticking to my workout regiment! As a treat to myself, I went to the gift shop in the hotel and splurged on body scrub and body souffle that I had been wanting for a while. I had such a good time with my friends, I wouldn’t have done it any other way! Everyone was so supportive and understanding of my commitment. I couldn’t have gotten through the challenges without my girls!!!
Meanwhile, in the back of my mind, I had no idea what the scale would say come Tuesday morning (I missed Monday’s usual weigh-in). The fact that I had to make a substitution twice and missed 3 classes (even though I worked out on my own), was worrisome. Plus the traveling, the time difference, the lack of sleep all impacts our bodies in different ways. When I got home at midnight on Monday night I could only think of class that I had 8 short hours from then…would I make Leandro proud? Or let everyone down...Stay tuned to find out!!! 

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