Monday, August 13, 2012

Leandro, I didn't settle for less and it paid off!!!

Happy Monday everyone!
As you all know, Monday=Weigh in day in BBL land!!! I am happy to announce I have broken through the 130lb territory and am now down to 128.3lbs!!! I lost 3.5lbs this past week. GO ME!!! My initial goal was 127, but now I have pushed it down to 125 lbs, which means I have 3 little lbs to lose, for a total of 22 lbs! You can’t see it now, but I am doing my own little touchdown dance!!!
The clothes that I have from my “skinny days” are actually too big on me now. I have this pair of denim cut off short-shorts (which I started sporting again) and I must say they are too big on me. My guess is that I am down to a size 2 or 4, depending on the store/designer. The smallest I can remember myself being, as an adult, was October of 2007. I was working at Lehman Brothers, training for my first marathon, and went for a routine physical at the Lehman doctor’s office (yes, we had our own medical facility in the building). I was 127lb, and 19% body fat. Between then and now I ballooned up 25lbs (I was at one point 150). How gross is that? It’s not like I had a baby or something at any point over those 5 years. Totally not acceptable and not healthy! But I digress…

On Friday, Leandro told me that my body was looking for good and I had lost enough weight, but I needed to start working on building my booty by doing heavy weights and less repetition. He suggested a machine at Equinox where you stand and push back one of your legs at a time against a pedal with weights. With heavy weights and less repetition you can build the glutes and makes for a nice round butt! I must admit that since I have lost all the weight, my dupa has gotten considerably smaller. Now it’s time to firm it and lift it! So starting tomorrow morning, everyday before class I am going to so 3 sets of heavy weights on each cheek. Let’s hope that helps the cause!
Our classes have shifted away from cardio and we are concentrating exclusively on sculpting and strength training. That’s code for : squats (w/20lbs each hand: 4 sets of 20) ,spilt squats (10lbs each hand: 4 sets of 20), walking lunges (20lbs each hand:  x30), dead lifts (40lbs total: 4 sets of 20) kick backs (with 10lb ankle weights on each leg) and a slew of other booty enhancing moves. Leandro encouraged people who still had a lot of weight to lose to do cardio outside of class, on their own time as they won't see those kinds of results anymore from class.

Onto this past weekend, Alex and I spent a couple days down at the shore. Saturday morning I woke up early and hit the gym in my building to in order to get a 1.5 hour workout before we left. Saturday was rainy so we all kind of hung out in the house and relaxed. I caught up on all of Mrs. Mattielli’s latest magazine subscriptions (she gets all the good ones!!) and tried to chip away at the last book of the Hunger Games. For dinner, the Mattielli’s ordered pizza and pasta from a local Italian restaurant. I had my turkey meatballs and broccoli. Sunday morning Alex and I did a 10 mile bike ride along the beach. It was the same bike ride we did a few weeks ago. The intent is to actually go and pick up crumb cake from a bakery in Belmar for everyone to enjoy on Sunday mornings. It’s a nice treat (and is very delicious from what I can remember from last year). The weather was beautiful for the bike ride and everyone enjoyed the crumb cake (I of course had my egg whites and turkey bacon instead)!
So as of today, I have only 2.5 weeks left in the BBL program!!! I’m totally shocked at how quickly it has gone. Granted, if you asked me back in July whether it was easy breezy I would have called you crazy, but mentally it is so refreshing to know that this journey is winding down. But soon enough, a bigger challenge will be presented to me: how to maintain this new weight without food being delivered to me, and daily workouts being mandated. I am allowing for a celebratory period to take place during Labor day weekend. That’s not to say I am going to go insane with food, but I will be in Vegas, on vacation and I am going to enjoy myself. I have, after all, already made dinner reservations for the entire weekend and I absolutely cannot wait. BUT, don’t think for one second I won’t be working out every day and watching what I eat during the day. I’m going to do it the right way! And let’s not forget what is right around the corner… the NYC Marathon!!!! As soon as BBL is done, I have to get a late start on training! OK, OK…one thing at a time (I am getting a head of myself). My focus and attention is on these last couple weeks. Must take things one day at a time!!!
This week, my niece Emily is getting her tonsils and adenoids out. I am driving up to Buffalo, solo, late Friday night to spend some time with her. It’ll be a short trip, but the surgery is not a pleasant one and I want to make sure I spend some time with her while she’s recovering.

Hope everyone has a booty-full week!

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