Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Excuse me, has anyone seen Kat-a-leen's BODY?!?!"

Hello everyone!
I’m happy to report we’ve just come back from another fabulous, fun filled summer weekend! Alex and I drove up to Buffalo Friday evening to spend a few days with my family at my mom’s lake house, which she rented for the week. We spent Saturday in Buffalo and then drove down, about an hour south, to the house on Sunday morning. Everyone was there…my mom, my sister, my neice and my brother-in-law. Everyone just relaxed, enjoyed the lake and enjoyed each other’s company. Here are some pictures from our trip!
Emily and I

Alex and Emily taking a boat trip!
Just because I was in new surroundings didn’t mean there was any time to slack! This BBL girl made sure she worked out Saturday, Sunday and Monday (yes, I was missing class on Monday morning!). As you know from my last entry, the Shakeology cleanse was this weekend so I wanted to really maximize this opportunity to have an effective outcome come Tuesday morning weigh-in. So Saturday and Sunday morning I bopped my way into World Gym (which thankfully offers $10 day-passes) and did a 1.5 hour workout each morning which included 30 min of cardio and 45 min of squats, lunges and other such booty-enhancing strength training. I felt great. And then on Monday morning, while at the lake house, Alex and I did a 3 mile run outside.
As far as the Shakeology cleanse goes, it was fabulous! The shakes were so filling,satisfying and delicious, I was never hungry. My mom brought a barrage of goodies to the lake house, including my favorite blueberry muffins, peanut butter cookies, pies, etc and I didn’t feel tempted at all! I was so happy to be with my family, I wasn’t even phased by the delicious food I was missing out on. It’s more than that, though. Now that there is an end in site, it’s approaching quickly I am so focused on KILLING it these last 3 weeks. I will not settle for less!
Which brings me to my next segment: today’s weigh-in!! I’m always nervous on my way up to the scale, but today I was especially shaken because I didn’t know how my body would react to the Shakeology cleanse and I know now that I don’t have a lot of weight left to lose I am afraid it may come off at a much slower pace. That being said, (drum roll please)….. I lost 3 lbs over the weekend!!! GO ME!!! I felt amazing looking at the number on the scale!!! This means I am only 4 lbs away from my goal weight, and now I am hoping to/aiming to surpass it. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror and thought: Wow, I look GOOD!!! And for the first time EVER, I worked out in just a sports bra and my shorts. It felt invigorating and so refreshing not to have to worry about bulges, or my gut or my flab. That’s not to say I couldn’t stand to tighten up in certain areas, but I wasn’t self conscious about the way I looked, and I honestly can’t say that I have ever felt like that before with my midriff showing. Before class started, Leandro told everyone he a prize to award to someone who was super s*xy in class Friday’s pole dancing class and also lost A LOT of weight over the weekend. And surprise, it’s Kathleen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He came over and gave me a huge hug and a Brazilian Butt Lift T-shirt along with a gift certificate to Sephora!!! Thank you Leandro!!!
This makes all of my hard work worth it! And in the middle of class he stopped what he was doing and said “has everyone seen Kat-a-leen’s body?!? We’re going to have to lock her up Labor Day weekend”!!!!
Yes you will Leandro, yes you will!!!

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