Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lights, camera, BOOTY!!!

Surprise!!!! A midweek update! I knew there would be some twists and turns as the week progressed. So here it goes!
So this is, in fact, the last week of BBL classes for me
Panic has set in
Leandro informed us there would be no class Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week because of the filming we’re doing on Monday and then the photo shoots that are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. I am so so sad, you have no idea. I haven’t been sleeping well the past few days. I've been up at night thinking about the program and how much my body has been amazingly transformed and how scared I am to be on my own once it ends!!! I thought it was the ginger tea that my mom got me hooked on that was keeping me up at night. But I looked at the box today and see that it’s caffeine free, so now I realize it's my racing thoughts and anxiety that are keeping me bright eyed and bushy tailed throughout the night. Ugghh...
Today when I walked into class, after running a couple miles and doing some light lifting beforehand,  I was so pumped and energized; I felt electric! And then surprise: I saw the camera crew! There were 2 guests in class that day who had won and onlinecompetition through Beach Body and they were partaking in class and getting interviewed. The first half of class was cardio and dance moves. It was so much fun! It felt like we were right back in the first couple weeks of class (except now I wasn’t huffing and puffing with my 20 extra pounds I was carrying around!!!).
Tomorrow, after class, I have to go into the Beach Body offices and get “fitted for wardrobe” for the August 27th tapping. We were told to “Think BRAZILLIAN! Bright colored, fun, sexy workout clothing” and to “come with our hair in the most flattering way for a workout”. Not sure what that second part means exactly, but my hair will definitely be pulled back, off my face. They are breaking us up into small groups of 4 or 5 for the filming. I’ve been scheduled to go in at 7:30am on Monday morning in a Chelsea Production studio. Thankfully, that means that I will have time to get a workout in after we film!!! No time to waste before that final photo shoot!
And speaking of the final shoot… I just got assigned my scheduled date and time: Wednesday, August 29th @ 7am (first appointment of the day, which I had requested). Here are my instructions:
You should be prepared to spend about 2 hours with us. The day will be similar to your "before" photo session: you will have your photos taken by the photographer and on the turntables, and will have your final weigh-in and measurements taken.
We will have hair and makeup here for you. Please come with a fresh face (no make-up) and clean hair.
Also, please be sure you are ready to wear a bikini! Please try to be consistent with how you looked in your "before" photos.
Please bring the following wardrobe: (Don’t worry, we have extra wardrobe)
  • Bathing suit/Underwear option
  • 2 jean options
  • 2 fun, sexy outfits
  • 2 nude bras
  • Nude, no line underwear and thong
  • Any other options you have – there is no such thing as bringing too much!!
  • Heels
Super, super exciting!!! I will be sure I am well prepared!
So, technically the program and diet ends the 31st of August, but as you all know Alex and I are off to Vegas on the 30th. Monica Lynn, the founder and CEO of 5 Squares, called me today about the 2 days I would be away. She was so sweet. She offered to have my meals for Thursday and Friday delivered to my apartment on Wednesday night, so that everything is fresh! Monica is such a delight and I am certianly going to miss her food. I’m also glad I get some meals to bring to Vegas. I still plan on having dinner out, but during the day it’ll be great to have healthy options.
Stay tunned for an update this weekend!!!

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