Monday, August 27, 2012

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you"!!!

The suspense leading up to this week has been absolutely killing me. Literally, actually. Ask Alex; I’ve not slept in over a week. My bedtimes have ranged from 1:00am all the way to 3:30am (on sat night). And no, I’m not outenjoying NYC night life. Ha! I’m in bed thinking about this particular week and everything that I need to do and be ready for and be on my A game for. I started to list them out for you, but I won’t do that. I’m not the only one who has a lot of things going on in her life. But I just have this weighing anxiety on my shoulders. So many times I complained about how difficult and challenging the BBL program was… how I haven’t been able to eat or drink what I want all summer, how I’ve had to endure working out for 65 days straight, hardcore. How I’ve been hungry, and tired and up against a lot of negativity. And now all I can think about it “what will I do when it’s over”? What will I do next Monday, when Vegas is over and I have to eat based on my own decisions and play catch up on 2 months missed of marathon training. How far can I run? I have a 18 mile marathon tune-up run in Central Park in 3 weeks. I haven’t run more than 10 miles in 6 months. Will I flop? How will I fuel my body? I can’t go back to my old routine, that CLEARLY did not work. Granted, carrying around 25 extra pounds was in no way helpful to my running cause, but it takes a lot more than weight shedding to run a successful marathon. I have to become human again. I have, in a way, been a robot the past 2 months. I eat when I am told, I workout when I’m told, I even have someone tell me how to work out! I dodn’t have to think about a THING. I just had to take orders. I’m good at that, I’m not good at how to figure it out on my own. Now I have to go to the grocery store and decide what to eat. I haven’t had a carb in 2 months. Do I buy a box of cereal? Will I blow up like a balloon at the first site of any complex carb/sugar? Should I stick to 5 small meals a day? How will I have time to prepare so many meals? What about alcohol? Should I limit myself to drinking only on special occasions? I could go on and on and on… it’s nauseating.
Let's move on to the fun stuff!

Today, when I woke up, I was in a much better frame of mind. Granted, Alex caught me reading an editorial on Paul Ryan, compliments of the NY Times App at 12:30am, but I still managed to get a good 4 hours of sleep in. I woke up with a ton of energy, and excitement. I was scheduled to be at the production studio by 7:30am. I had all of my work out clothes laid-out the night before. The shopping spree that I undertook this weekend yielded me some new Nike short-shorts to wear for the filming, as well as a selection of “ bright, Brazilian” tops! I arrived at the studio around 7:15am and was blown away. What a gorgeous space!
Right away I was shuffled to wardrobe. I thought I had a cute outfit on, but I was informed it was not tight enough or small enough. Luckily, that had a huge array of skimpy athletic wear for to try on. After a few tries, an outfit was selected!
Off to Hair and make-up.
Now it was time to get down to business!
The studio was beautiful and had sweeping views of the city. The only problem was it was almost entirely windows and the morning sun was turning it into a sauna. We were sweating before we even started moving! They lined us up as they saw fit and it was time to roll.
The next 3 hours consisted of 15min of segments, where we showed off all of Leandro's signature Butt Lift moves, followed a break where we re-hydrated and fixed the makeup that was melting off of us. I was so hot, and we were barely "working out"! it was a lot of fun. Everyone's energy was high and it was cool to see how these videos are filmed. I love everyone at the Beach Body Production company. Everyone is so please had nothing but nice things to say about all the girls and the progress we've made. But I digress. At about 11:00am, after the ankle weight scene was shot, we were told we were ready to wrap it up. Great! At that point I was concerned about getting into work at a decent time. As I'm walking back to the changing area I hear Lara say "Kathleen, we need you to go to wardrobe and change outfits, you're going to do and interview with Leandro". Ummm... OK! Me and 5 other girls were asked to stay, and everyone else was told they could leave. I started to get a little nervous. But alas, I got myself into an even smaller outfit and was ready to shoot the special footage!
Leandro and I did 3 different segments where he said things like "Kathleen, here we 2 months from when we first met and look at your new body"!!! He then asked me how I felt about the way I look now, my self confidence, how I feel when I'm in a bikini on the beach, what my boyfriend thinks of my new body. He pointed out my saddle bags, which are no longer there, my layer of stomach fat, which is no longer there, and my inner- thigh fat, which has melted away as well. I was enthuseastic and tried to sell myself and Leandro's work as best I could (hey, listen, I work in finance, not Hollywood)!
Finally at 12:30pm we were finsihed it was time to go. Almost 6 hours of shooting and I was beat! Off to work I went, ready to take on the day. I got home from work tonight at 8pm and had reserved a work out with Alex at the gym in our building. I only have 2 more days before I go in front of the camera for turntables, final photos, final weights and measurements. I want to look my best! I am staying accountable and I am sprinting to the finish line! A 40 minute treadmill workout did the trick. Tomorrow morning I will workout again before getting a pedicure and going into work. After that, I am done with work for the week!!! Alex and I have been packing and prepping for Vegas over the past couple days. We're so excited. What a treat I have to look forward to. Don't worry, though, Wednesday afternoon you will get a FULL blog report of my final photo shoot, which is at 7am.
Until then!!!

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