Monday, August 20, 2012

And then there was 1...well, 1.6

Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Summer is quicklywinding down, but things are really heating up in my world! This is the last full week off BBL!!! Can you believe it??? 60 days just FLEW by. And of course, Monday=Weigh day! But before we get to that, here’s a little bit of what’s been going on elsewhere.
Last week, my niece Emily had her tonsils and adenoids out, so I made a special trip to Buffalo to spend a little time with her this weekend. I drove up late Friday night after work and got some QT with the family. Emily was in good spirits and is recovering well. She got lots of “get well” gifts, as well as a special delivery from one of her favorite people, Alex!!!
This is the last time I will hsee my sister, niece and brother-in-law before the NYC Marathon in November, so I was a little sad but I have so much traveling and so many events planned for the next 2 months I know it will go by fast. And of course, I’ll be seeing Bernadette next week in Vegas!!!

I managed to hit the gym both Saturday and Sunday while in Buffalo. Saturday I did 30 min of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training... Sunday I did cardio- 40 minute of running on the treadmill. I find that I am much more sore after my weekend workouts than I am during the week. I guess I am good and kicking my own dupa!
In addition to Buffalo, it was also a big weekend for Alex. He started a new job today, after being out of work for a few months. The new gig is a great opportunity for him and I’m very happy to see he is excited about this new venture. Congratulations, Alex!!!
Now, onto my Butt! As I mentioned, this week is the last full week of BBL classes. Next Wednesday I have my final photo shoot and weigh-in and then Alex and I are off to Vegas early Thursday morning. The excitement is almost too much to bare. With that in mind, I have been extremely focused on reaching my weight goal knowing that I don’t have much time left for improvement! When I arrived early at the gym for my weight in this morning, I found that Lara, one of the Beach Body Producers was manning the scale!!! Oh man…No pressure!!! I love Lara, though. She was there during my auditions and was rooting for me the whole time. She is a great business woman, but she means business when it comes to our butt’s! So I stepped up on the scale and POW: down 2 lbs to 126.6lbs!!! That is 1.6lbs aways from my revised goal of 125!!! Touchdown dance please:

There is still work to be done, and I am NOT losing focus now. I would actually like to be below 125lbs to give myself a little cushion while I’m in Vegas. That being said, this is my plan for the next 10 days:

1. 20-30 min of additional cardio a day (in addition to our scheduled class)
2. Work out hardcore this coming Saturday and Sunday.
3. Noshakeolgoy (I’ll have a small shake every now and then when I want something sweet, which really only amounts to 50 calories a pop… none for me this week!)
4. Give 110% during class… Squat deeper, use heavier weights, and use more energy!!!
The group found out next Monday’s workout is going to be filmed! We have to attend class at the production studio and it’ll be comprised of shots /cuts of group moves, individual workouts, etc. I have a feeling it probably won’t be a legit class as most of us look like real crap during the Equinox classes (sorry girls)!!!. If it’s going to be used on TV my guess is that they want us to look good. This of course will call for a new workout out-fit to be bought!
This weekend I have planned a “Kathleen weekend”: a weekend of pampering and much needed R&R. It will include the following:
A Saturday morning workout in my building’s lovely gym followed by a dip in the hot tub/sauna/steam room. Then I’m off to shop for a new fall wardrobe!!! I plan on hitting up Bloomingdales, Zara, Saks and wherever else I end up! I also have some odds and ends to pick up for Vegas. Saturday night will involve me on my couch and some sort of movie on demand, along with some hot Ginger tea, which I have just stocked up on. Sunday morning I will work out, then in the afternoon I have a 90 minute facial and a 90 minute massage scheduled at BlissSoHo. What a way to kick off the last 3 days of hard work and dedication. I cannot wait! Stay tuned for updates this week. I have a feeling there will be some BBL surprises coming my way!

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