Saturday, August 4, 2012

So many surprises, so little time

Tuesday morning I faced the scale after a long weekend in Vegas. I was so nervous walking into class!! I took my sneakers off, hopped on the scale and BOOM! 1.5lbs down in 4 days !!!! WHUT WHUT!!! That brings my grand total so far to 13.5 lbs!!! I am 6.5 lbs away from my goal. There is an end in site and I can’t wait to get there!!!!
To make my goal even more attainable, surprise number one came in the form of finding out that class has been extended to August 31st. That means 2 extra weeks of food delivery and workouts with Leandro. Our final photos will take place on the 29th  of August, just one day before my second trip to Vegas!!! I was so glad to hear this news because I was getting nervous I wouldn’t have enough time to reach my goal. Now, this works out perfectly… I kick butt all the way to the end of the summer and as a reward I get to spend my birthday weekend in Vegas with Alex (and my mom!!). I have already booked a massage, a facial, a hair appointment and reservations at Nobu for the 29th! It’s going to be a celebratory day, with well deserved treats for yours truly… that is, of course, only if I make my goal!

The second surprise we got was the opportunity to do a Shakeology cleanse for 3 days this coming weekend. They gave this option to people who were looking to boost their weight loss. Sign me up! The way it works is as follows: Day 1- 3 shakes, 2 meals (veggies and protein), Day 2- 2 shakes, 3 meals/snacks (veggie/protein), Day 3- 2 shakes, 3 meals/snack (veggie/protein), no starch, no bars and no fruit. The shakes are so tasty, it'll be a nice break from 

The third surprise we got this week was Leandro had been planning to have a world class pole-dancing instructor teach class on Friday!!! We were all instructed to dress as “s*xy” as possible, with heels, make-up and booty shorts!!! It ended up being AWESOME! And let me tell you something, the moves were not easy. I give credit to these girls, they have to be in tip top shape to perform... it's like a workout on stage! Here is a picture from class!

This weekend Alex and I travel upstate to spend the weekend at a lake house that my mother has rented out for a week. I can’t wait to see everyone, especially my niece Emily! Stay tuned for pictures from our trip!

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