Tuesday, July 31, 2012

30 days done; 30 to go!

Have you missed me? I know, I am late on my BBL blog updates... but alas I am here and ready to spill the beans on my 30 day progress!!!
As many of you know , last Thursday I had my 30 day photo shoot for the test group. We were all put on the green and white diet that Monday, as many people were plateauing with their weight loss and therefore not losing as much as the Beach Body team had hoped. I was excited for the change in diet as I had started seeing only 2-3 lbs coming off a week, as opposed to the 8 lbs I saw melt off the first week. I also don't really miss the carbs once the 3rd day of the diet hits... It's almost as if your body gets used to not having them. The week went well and I was crushing the workouts!

lunch: grilled chicken with greens

Breakfast- egg whites
Thursday morning (aka D Day!) I arrived at the photo shoot. It was in the west village and I had the first appointment of the day; 6:30am. The day before, there was no class as Leandro had a QVC shoot to do in Pennsylvania.
Leandro says "lift the bum bum"!!!

I made sure to substitute his class with an Equinox spin class, as I didn't want to miss a workout. When I arrived at the shoot I was told we would be doing only one outfit shot, which meant they wouldn't be shooting me in the jeans that I couldn't button 30 days ago. I was a little bummed, as I wanted to see how they would fit on me, but I guess it will be that much better a month from now when I wear them for the final shoot. So into the sports bra and banana yellow boy shorts I go (eek!). Once dressed, I look in the mirror and I can tell there is a difference in how I look. My stomach is leaner and the fat that hung over the side of shorts ( aka: the muffin top) was not gone, but was certainly less severe. I was also not as self conscious about being in the scandalously clad outfit as I was 30 days ago! Once I was prepped, the photographer mimicked the poses we did on the first day and within 15 minutes the shoot was done. Next: the scale! Drum roll please.... Total weight loss since the first weigh in: 12 lbs!!! For those of you who excel in math ( and since I am not revealing my beginning weight until the end) that is a little over 8% of my total body fat that I have lost! Since I wasn't considered overweight to begin with, the people at Beach Body were very happy with my results! Not only did I drop the weight, but I look much more toned, lean and fit which is really what I was going for. Inches have been dropped from my thighs, stomach, even arms!
Thrilled with my results, I left the photo shoot with a smile on my face, ready to face the second half of the the test group program! Now my focus was on toning the "sagging" parts of me (my upper arms, my boo-tay and my stomach). But in the short term, I had my Vegas trip to think about! I was scheduled to fly out the morning after the shoot. Relieved that I had passed this milestone in the program, I now had a chance to relax and have some fun with my best friends. Viva Las Vegas!!!

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