Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 1: 7 days, 7 pounds

You read it right, my friends! Week 1 is done!!! This morning we had our weekly weigh-in and had our measurements taken before class. This gal lost a total of 7lbs!!! WHUT WHUT!!! During the past week we went through what Leandro calls “the super model diet” where we ate nothing but lean protein (chicken and fish) ,green vegetables and a lot of egg whites. The only carb we had came in the form of 1 piece of fruit a day.
Salad with grilled chicken
egg white omelete with asaparagus

Don’t worry, though. The weight loss will not be this dramatic every week. This week was just to kick us into gear and reset our system. That being said, I hope to lose about 3-4 lbs a week going forward. Ideally, I have an additional 10-15 lbs that I would like to lose over the course of the next 6 weeks. That means I have a long way to go!
I’m not going to lie, it was tough. I went to bed a few nights hungry, I was cranky and had very little energy. But I resisted temptation…and ohhhh was there temptation this week! Thursday evening my Mom, sister, brother-in-law and niece arrived from Buffalo. We had a lovely weekend planned. Thursday night I made 3 batches of my famous guacamole, slow cooked BBQ pulled pork, made coleslaw and popped a bottle of bubbly. Luckily I had Alex to be my taste-tester to let me know what needed more salt, lime, etc. We sat out on the rooftop and had cocktails and appetizers. And what did I have? Water. Once we came back to the apartment for dinner I ate my piece of turkey breast and greens beans with everyone, so that I wasn’t missing out on meal time. Then Friday morning we took my neice to the Today Show to get a glimpse of Maroon 5 (while I went to class) then we went to Build-a- Bear and walked around Time Square. It was lovely and she had a great time. Friday night, I had made reservations for all of us to go to Staton Social. Keep in mind, I made these reservations a month prior to that day, before I knew about Brazil Butt Lift. I purposely left my last meal for the day for when we got back from dinner, so that I had something to look forward to. We had early reservations (5:30pm), mostly because that’s when my niece Emily eats dinner. We pretty much had the restaurant to ourselves. The funny part was, one of the girls in my test group is a waitress there and was working that night!!! She came over to the table and was like “girl, I’m gonna watch you”! Hahahaha.. I had zero intention on blowing my diet the first week in…don’t you worry! I ordered about 10 different tapa size meals for the table and everyone loved it: ; Sliders, french onion soup dumplings, lobster rolls, red snapper tacos, and on and on. Then of course dessert which was donuts, red velvet twinkies, chocolate chip cookies and mudslide shots. And what did I have? Club soda with lemon. YAH for me!!! I really didn’t feel like I was missing out. I was just glad to see everyone having a good time! Then Saturday night, my Mother and I treated my sister and brother-in-law to a dinner at Il Mulino for their 8 year wedding anniversary. My mom and I watched my niece Emily and Alex had his son and daughter come over for a play date! While my sister and brother enjoyed heavinly Il Mulino, Alex and my Mom ordered Adrienne’s pizza. For those of you not familiar with the NYC area, Adrienne’s pizza is by far the most amazing pizza on this planet. It’s located right on Stone St., about 2 minutes from our apartment. So again, while everyone enjoyed the ‘za I had cod and escarole for dinner. YAH for me!!!

During the entire weekend I keep thinking to myself: “Oh, this and that is going to be my first meal when I am done with this program”…but who knows… will I even want all of that once I am in prime shape??? There is no way I am going to let all of this hard work go to waste.
Our classes this past week were all cardio focused. The intention was to “melt the fat away”. They were strenuous and at times I barely had enough energy to lift my arms. I looked in the mirror during class and thought to myself: “Pathetic, Webb”!!!!! Leandro reminded all of us that it is a privalge to be invited into such a program and that we should Never Settle For Less!!!

Tomorrow we have class and since it’s the 4th of July we’re all wearing red, white and blue during our workout! Leandro told us a very inspiring story today of when he first came to this country, when he didn’t know anyone, didn’t have a job or anywhere to stay and how he made his success out of nothing. Just proof that hard work and determination will get you where you want to be!!!
By the way, this week we have carbs introduced into our diet! For a snack today I had red peppers and hummus, then stir fry with steak and brown rice (yum!) and I saw in my cooler pack turkey meatballs for dinner!!! YAH for real food!!!
This Saturday one of my very good friends is getting married in the city. I bought a dress about 2 weeks ago that juuuust fit me. I hope when I put it on Saturday afternoon it looks a lot better than it did when I bought it! I’m sure Alex is excited he’ll get 2 dinners at the wedding, as I intend on eating before the event!

 I will post picture from the night (and the dress) next week so stay tunned!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a fab first week 7 lbs wow. I bet it was difficult the first week,especially since we eat out and you had a ?&!/& club soda. wILLPOWER girl!
