Monday, June 25, 2012

We have an "inner-thigh" issue...

Good evening everyone! Monday and Tuesday of last week were the “demonstration” classes for the Brazil Butt Lift test group. The purpose of the classes were to learn all of Leandro’s signature moves, meet the girls in the group and scope out the gym! I was so pumped. I arrived to a TV crew setting up equipment in the workout studio. Once all the girls arrived (there are 25 of us) we learned about the food we would be eating for the next 60 days as well as the rules of engagement. Our food is to be delivered to the gym every morning. Each of us will get a cooler pack containing 5 small meals. We must eat all the food that is given to us, and nothing else. They suggest we eat the meals at the same time every day, leaving a couple hours in between each meal so that we never go too long without eating and so our blood sugar levels never get too low. The first 6 days of the program is Leandro’s super model diet where the meals will only contain lean protein and green vegetables. Additionally, the first week of workouts will be cardio based, so we will be fat burning machines!!!

They expect 20 girls to survive to the end, and they made it very clear that any unscheduled missed classes would result in getting booted from the program. There is one girl in class who won the last BBL test group (she won a trip to Brazil)! That being said, I’m definitely up against some stiff competition. Just more fuel for the fire!!!

Leandro also shared some tips with us. For sore mussels, he suggested to take a bar of coconut soap, rub the soap on the sore areas, let it dry then repeat. Do that for a total of 3 times, then rinse and voila! Soothed muscles!! He gave us each a bar of soap, straight from Brazil. I am saving mine for later in the program, when things really get intense!
Leandro giving out his gifts from Brazil!

Before we started the class, Leandro selected 4 girls from the audience to "review their body types for everyone". He informed us that the class had an "inner thigh problem", meaning most of the girls in class has excess fat on their inner thighs. I'm one of these girls! But not for long!!! He then showed us how he expects the 4 girls to look like after the program is over: No saddlebags, no "inner thigh problem" and a round, tight bum!!! Sign me up!!

The demo session was great. We did about 15 minutes of cardio (a lot of dancing!) and then started going through some of the signature moves of Leandro's program. When I woke on Tuesday morning I was slightly sore, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Then after Tuesday's class, where all we did for almost an hour and a half was Leandro's signature moves, I could not move. Most of the moves require the body to be in a deep squatting position.My legs burned…BURNED the entire time. And after, my legs, my bum and my core were in such pain. It was a rude awakening to how I have slacked in my strength and resistance training over the past year.

So Leandro was in Las Vegas this past week/weekend (which is why we are starting the program tomorrow) for a Beach Body conference. But don’t worry, he gave us plenty of homework to do, which included yoga class this past Saturday morning. I decided to enlist Alex in the assignment. So Saturday morning we went up to midtown and took a 1.5 hour class. I’ve done yoga before, but it was nothing like this. The instructor was very intense. We spent about 30 minutes of the class in the “corpse” position, which involves laying on your back with your arms, spine, mouth and head in certain positions. It was certainly relaxing and some of the moves were very difficult. I may look to incorporate it on the weekends as it really helped to to relax and clear my mind.

There has been such a build up to the program these last 3 weeks and I am mentally exhausted thinking about (and talking about) the changes and challenges that are a head of me. But the time has come! Tomorrow I start a new chapter and am ready to kick some Brazilian Bootie!!!!

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