Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm in!!!

Running the 2007 Marathon
2008 NYC Marathon
Anyone who knows me would probably qualify me as "athletic" or "fit"... Maybe even slightly accomplished because of the number of marathons I have run(7 and counting). I am very humble about my abilities, as I am a firm believer of the montra "anything is possible". Anything is possible, if you prioritize it, if you work at it and make sacrifices for it. I find that when I tell people about the marathons I run and the physical challenges I have attempted over the past 8 years I am usually met with "you are crazy" or " I could never do that". And with that attitude, nothing is possible. When I told people about the Brazil Butt Lift test group I was selected for, most people said " no alcohol for 60 days"?!?!?! Hahaha... A small sacrifice for the results that are in store for me... Just so everyone is aware, I was selected to participate in Leandro Carvahlo's Brazilian Butt Lift test group. It is a 60 day program during which I will go to Leandro's class at his private studio in midtown 1 hour a day and eat food that is delivered to me on a daily basis. No booze, no sweets , no cheating. Weekly weigh- in's and absolutely no missing classes. To give you a taste of the program, let me tell you what the audition was like. I was the first of 50 girls to go in front of the "panel". I was told to wear or bring a bikini for photos, but was not aware the "interview" would also take place in the bikini. Because of time constraints with work ( yes, I am doing this while working ) I was the first one there in the morning in hopes to be in and out quickly. When I was called in, I de-robed and walked across the dance studio. Thank God I was the first person to go. I was asked what I didn't like about my body and then Leandro pointed out all of my problem areas, including my " butt that does not fill out my bathing suit" my under arm flab and my "soft" back. They said they thought I would be a great candidate, and how I did not seem to mind the constructive criticism. And they were right. Everything they said Confirmed what I knew was flawed before I walked into that studio. But I knew they could fix it , and that's why I didn't give a damn. I write this, in anticipation of what this week holds for me. 7:30am tomorrow morning I am due, at a production studio, for a 2 hour " weigh in". I have been told I am to bring three things with me: 1) a bikini 2) a pair of my favorite jeans, which don't fit to my liking, and 3) a pair of form fitting spandex shorts along with a sports bra. I am told that these items will not be returned to be until I complete the program. Fine with me. I picked the shortest, tightest most unforgiving bootie workout shorts I own and a pair of white jeans that are so tight, they mine-as-well be see through. I won't miss either of them over the course of 60 days. In preparation for Thursday, Alex and I have been hitting up all of our favorite places to eat ( and drink) in NYC! But the anticipation of beginning this journey is painstaking at this point!!! I'm ready to begin and look and feel my best. I'm looking forward to Thursday's weigh in. Stay tuned for details!

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