Monday, July 16, 2012

3 weeks=11 lbs

Hi everyone! Today marked the three week point in the Brazil Butt Lift group! As you may recall, last week they did an ad-hoc weigh-in on Friday because of the bad results from last Monday. I’m happy to announce that I was down 1.5 lbs from Monday to Friday and then an additional pound was lost this weekend. That bring my total to 11 lbs lost over 3 weeks! I am 9 lbs away from my goal!!! All of the girls in class did better this week, so the scolding we endured must have made an impact! Additionally, we got a bit of great news. We are now allowed 2 shakes a week! They are delicious… the good news is they are large enough to split into 2 portions, so really I can have a treat 4 times a week, outside of “the bag”

As I mentioned, this weekend Alex and I headed down to Spring Lake to spend the weekend with his family at the beach. Saturday, wasn’t a great day for me. Once we got to the house I went right upstairs and took a nap. I was drained and lethargic all day. I was supposed to get up and work out in the city before we left for the shore and instead I over slept. The day was difficult to get through. We spent a couple hours on the beach and then came home to relax. For dinner, Alex’s brother put together a great BBQ, consisting of skirt steaks, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, sausage and peppers, asparagus and corn on the cob. It looked and smelled delicious! I, of course,didn’t participate. But I must admit I had a few asparagus! They looked so good and I figured if I was going to cheat, that would be somewhat acceptable (although they were cooked in olive oil so I shouldn’t have had any!!!)! After dinner we all took a walk to get ice cream (my favorite!!!) but I had to opt for a diet coke. But, it was so nice to see all the kids enjoy themselves and their ice cream. That night, while enjoying a cigar on the patio, Alex and I talked about how I was feeling, physically, and the mental struggles that I really just encountered/realized over this past weekend. I told him how some days are better than others as far as how I feel and what cravings I might have. So many times over the past 3 weeks I have said to myself “when I’m done with this program I am going to go here for dinner and have this to drink and make this for dinner… I can’t wait to have XYZ”. But that rationale defeats the purpose of why I am doing this! Why am I going to reward myself with food!! I certainly don’t want to go back to how I was eating/drinking before, then all of this would be for nothing. I explained to him that so much of our social lives revolve around food and drinking, especially because we live in NYC. I also admitted that I find much happiness in planning/cooking meals and picking out places for us to go for dinner. I look forward to it! Is that wrong? Is that how I got myself 20lbs overweight? If so, I better change how I view food and how I get enjoyment out of it. For one thing, eating 5 small meals a day has been great… I eat every couple of hours, there is variety and a sense of fullness (most of the time). My meals are full of delicious vegetables and lean protein, all of which I am going to start including in my diet on a regular basis once I go back to reality. Look at the salad I had today!
I’ve gotten so many compliments on how great my skin looks (I attribute this to not drinking) and how vibrant I look. And to be honest, I don’t miss drinking at all. That’s not to say I’m not going to enjoy a few cocktails once this is done, but you start to appreciate things less when you have them all the time. Is it necessary for me to have wine every night? No… a couple times a week, yes. As a treat! I think of how much better it will taste when we have it for special occasions. I told Alex I need to stop concentrating on everything I can’t have vs. how many things I do have now because of this change in my life. But I divert...
Alex and I ended up talking for a couple hours, and it made me feel so much better! I am so lucky I have him helping and supporting me through this!
Sunday, after a good night’s sleep, I felt rejuvenated! We woke up, I had my steal cut oats for breakfast and Alex and I went on a 10 mile bike ride to go pick up Crumb cake for the family in Belmar. It was so humid out, but the bike ride along the water was fabulous. After we got back, Alex enjoyed the crumb cake and I went for a 3 mile run. Then, it was off to the beach. I read some of my book, closed my eyes and relaxed for a little bit. It was wonderful! And I still managed to get a bit of a tan, even though it was overcast for most of the day.
This week, I am focused, clear headed, and my mind is on the prize. I found out today the last class we have is August 17th, which is only one month away!!! Enough of this sulking, it’s time to kick it into high gear and start shedding these last lbs and shaping my bunda!!!
I have set a goal of 6 lbs to lose by the end of next week. That is when we having our 30-day weigh-in, measurements and photos taken. Those skin-tight jeans that they made me wear better button this time around!!! Next week is also when I got to Vegas for my very good friend’s bachelorette party! But like I told Alex, one day at a time… gotta take it one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. You have such drive, motivation, and will power congratulation on all the weight that you have lost.i really thought you were in great shape before all this.
