Monday, July 9, 2012

Oh Leandro, we can't do it without you!!!

Well, I’m officially knee deep in BBL! I just completed week 2 of the program! This week was full of new foods and tough workouts. We had a weigh-in today (only 6 days after our last one) and there were a lot of unhappy faces in class. I fared pretty well, dropping 2.5 lbs. I’m OK with it because most people stayed at the same weight or gained a few pounds.  I would have been really disappointed if people were dropping 10lbs, but considering people were gaining I think I weathered the storm pretty well. Everyone knew it would be tough as there was no class on Friday, Saturday or Sunday so everyone was left to fend for themselves, workout wise, for those days. I guess it didn’t work out well for most people. Personally, I wasn’t too concerned about coming up with my own workouts. Friday morning Alex and I went for a 3 mile run. Then Saturday morning I did 45 minutes of the BBL DVD’s and then I ran 3 miles. Sunday I repeated Saturday’s workout. After we got weighed today, Leandro sat down will all of us and asked that people anonymously write down on index cards what foods they ate outside of our bag....basically he wanted to know what everyone ate when they cheated! I'm guilty of slipping in a Laughing Cow cheese wedge (35 calories) here and there over the past 2 weeks. I'm sorry Leandro!!! A lot of the girls openly admitted they missed sweets and were therefore eating an additional piece of fruit every day. That to me is probably the worst thing to have as the food they have us eating is clearly low in sugar and carbs. But what do I know. I've actually been enjoying most of the food they have given us since they started introducing carbs and meat:  Turkey burgers, stuffed peppers, steak stir fry, chicken salad, turkey bacon, etc.

Speaking of the meals, many people have asked Alex "so what are you doing for food now that Kathleen is on this program". I'm glad everyone is concerned will Alex's nutritional needs while I endeavor on this journey. That being said, Alex is being taken care, not to worry. I've cooked almost every single night... Chorizo quesadillas, sausage and peppers, chicken cutlets and omelets...I even bought him Oreos for the apartment because I know he loves them. He has also cooked his specialty, marina and pasta, which he has once a week. So all in all, I think he is holding up pretty well ;)

As I mentioned last week, my good friend got married on Saturday. It was a lovely event held at the New York Athletic Club. Alex and I got all fancied up and my dress ended up looking pretty good on me!

And let me tell you, I was very well behaved!!! I ate and drank NOTHING ALL NIGHT!!! I sat through cocktail hour, dinner and dessert and had nothing! Alex doubled up on both of the appetizers and I declined to order anything for dinner. Instead I ate my prepared dinner right before we went to the reception so I wouldn’t be hungry. As expected, my “diet” was the topic of conversation throughout most of the night. To be honest, by the end of the night I was somewhat annoyed at how some people were making jokes and comments about what I was doing. I didn’t realize trying to be healthy was so offensive to people! In the back of my mind, I know that is how human nature is. People try to make themselves feel better about their own fears and doubts by putting other people down. It’s OK… THAT ONLY MOTIVATES ME MORE, PEOPLE!!! I’ll show all those Negative Nancy’s who’s going to come out on top come August 24th!!!
This week my goal is to lose 5 pounds. I've gotten into the groove of the program and am thrilled to see that my hard work is paying off.
This weekend we head down to Spring Lake for some R &R with the Mattielli's. I'm looking forward to getting out of the city for a bit and spending some time with everyone at the beach. Until next week, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your progress. Your will power is exceptional. I wish I had just a speck of it once in awhile. Keep up the great work
